Investor Solutions

Certified as a loan fund serving communities in all 50 states, American Community Capital invests in underserved communities by making loans and providing technical assistance to affordable housing developers and affordable housing project partnerships.




closed across 82 loans



foreclosure rate


units funded



Invest in American Community Capital

Reasons to invest:

  • Generate financial and social returns
  • Qualify for Community Reinvestment Act (“CRA”) credit by lending to a certified CDFI
  • Benefit from the strong credit culture and excellent track record of Boston Financial
Granite affordable housing

By lending to American Community Capital, investors may receive lending credit under the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. Lending to ACC further aligns with 10 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

No Poverty

Good Health and Well-Being

Quality Education

Affordable and Clean Energy

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Reduced Inequalities

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Responsible Consumption and Production

Partnerships for the Goals

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Invest directly in American Community Capital or invest in a specialized, off-balance sheet fund. Please contact us to discuss investment opportunities.

Invest with us

Invest in American Community Capital

Reasons to invest:

  1. Generate financial and social returns
  2. Potentially qualify for CRA credit by lending to a certified CDFI
  3. Benefit from the strong credit culture and excellent track record of Boston Financial

By lending to American Community Capital, investors may receive lending credit under the Community Reinvestment Act (“CRA”) of 1977. Lending to ACC further aligns with 10 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Veterans smiling


No Poverty


homes built & preserved


equity syndicated to build & preserve affordable housing


tax credit funds raised

Our Platform: Doing Well By Doing Good

American Community Capital sources loan originations through Boston Financial’s developer relationships and through referrals from Boston Financial’s equity originations team. Boston Financial’s relationship management approach with affordable housing developers generates regular touchpoints with almost 1,000 longstanding clients, with developers approaching Boston Financial on lending opportunities and vice versa. Over 80% of our developer partners have worked with us for more than 10 years, and over 30% are nonprofit organizations.

Get in touch with us

Contact us